Elastotec adhesion testing
At Elastotec, we engineer lagging solutions that keep conveyors running. Here are some causes of lagging failure.
At Elastotec, we engineer lagging solutions that keep conveyors running. Here are some causes of lagging failure.
Hot Vulcanised lagging application involves the chemical cross-linking of five reactive layers during the autoclave curing process. To achieve the desired 100% rubber tear adhesion all five layers must crosslink at the same time. Occasionally conditions can be created in the autoclave that prevent this happening, and result in non-uniform adhesion around the pulley circumference. This bulletin explains how these conditions occur and what needs to be done to eliminate this problem.
Elastotec Approves New Applicator in Thailand for Hot Vulcanised Ceramic Lagging (HVCL) Early in 2019 Kledkaew Inter Products Co, Ltd. a rubber lining company based
The Curragh Coal Mine is an open cut coal mine located near Blackwater in Central Queensland, Australia. The mine supplies high quality, low ash coking coal and has reserves of approximately 90 million tonnes which is amongst the largest in the world. Coal from Curragh is shipped via the Blackwater rail system to the Port of Gladstone for export. Curragh Coal mine is owned by the Coronado Coal Group a US based company.
Overview Mining technology is rapidly evolving to meet the challenges of extracting minerals in remote locations, often with extremes of weather and often from ore
BlueScope steel was formerly a business within BHP Billiton that became and independent company in 2002. With well known brands such as COLORBOND®, ZINCALUME® and GALVABOND® BlueScope provides engineered building solutions to meet a multitude of end uses.
Grasberg Mine PT Freeport Indonesia – PROK/Elastotec Hot Vulcanised Ceramic Lagging Case Study. The Grasberg open pit mine is the largest gold mine and the third largest copper mine in the world.
In early 2012 Port Kembla Coal Terminal (PKCT) identified a need to refurbish the drive pulleys on their two Stacker Reclaimer units. Included in this refurbishment was replacement of the lagging.
Elastotec has developed an innovative ceramic pulley lagging system with superior bond strength and outstanding durability, eradicating traditional issues associated with ceramic lagging and making it a unique