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Improvements in Wear Liner technology

We are thrilled to share an exciting development in the field of bulk materials handling! Our recent paper, presented at the International Conference on Bulk Materials Handling (ICBMH)…

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T&T Perú 2023

Thank you to the Peruvian mining sector. Thank you for the space to discuss your challenges. Thank you for the opportunity to redefine conveyor reliability together. So much to work together on. So much to learn together.

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The Magnepatch panel can be applied over the hole on the outside of the chute with the high strength magnets holding the panel in place over the hole.

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Hot vulcanised v’s cold bonded lagging

The Elastotec aim is no pulley failures due to inadequate pulley lagging. Compare the difference between cold bonded and hot vulcanised lagging to see that hot vulcanised lagging is A GOOD BUSINESS DECISION.

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Hot Vulcanised Lagging Application

Hot Vulcanised Lagging Application

Hot Vulcanised lagging application involves the chemical cross-linking of five reactive layers during the autoclave curing process. To achieve the desired 100% rubber tear adhesion all five layers must crosslink at the same time. Occasionally conditions can be created in the autoclave that prevent this happening, and result in non-uniform adhesion around the pulley circumference. This bulletin explains how these conditions occur and what needs to be done to eliminate this problem.

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Let’s talk

If you work in the mining industry, involved in conveyor maintenance, pulley manufacturing, conveyor design and conveyor maintenance, then, we would like to work with you to bring engineered pulley lagging solutions to the industry.