Elastotec: Reducing Downtime and Increasing Productivity in Mining
The main challenges of pulleys in contact with the carry side of the belt In conveyor systems, pulleys play a critical role in ensuring smooth operation, proper belt tracking, and
Magnefast – Polymetallic metal mine
Magnefast trial achieved 6 MONTHS service life meeting the current liner objective. The Magnefast liners showed 7 mm of wear in a 50 mm thick ceramic so panels have not been replac
Improvements in Wear Liner technology
We are thrilled to share an exciting development in the field of bulk materials handling! Our recent paper, presented at the International Conference on Bulk Materials Handling (IC
T&T Perú 2023
Thank you to the Peruvian mining sector. Thank you for the space to discuss your challenges. Thank you for the opportunity to redefine conveyor reliability together. So much to wor
The Magnepatch panel can be applied over the hole on the outside of the chute with the high strength magnets holding the panel in place over the hole.
Hot vulcanised v’s cold bonded lagging
The Elastotec aim is no pulley failures due to inadequate pulley lagging. Compare the difference between cold bonded and hot vulcanised lagging to see that hot vulcanised lagging i
Reduce maintenance time
80% less replacement time with Magnefast. Increase conveyor operating time. Do more during shutdown. Save on labour time. No crane needed.
Large Gold Mine
As part of a major production upgrade at a large gold mine Carters Engineering was asked to produce a new slurry box for the ore treatment plant. The slurry box was to be located i
Quarry – Screen Underpan Chute
This quarry located in the south-eastern region of New South Wales is a hard rock quarry that can produce up to 1.5 million tonnes per annum of quarry products.
Large Quarry – Train Loadout Deflector
Located in southwest of Sydney this hard rock quarry can produce up to 5 million tonnes per annum of products (ballast, aggregate, manufactured sand and road base).
Magnefast is safe
Keep your staff safe with no external scaffolding, no electrical, hydraulic or pneumatic tools - no drop from heights risks or stud cutting.
Magnefast proven performance
Magnefast wear panel solutions: proven performance for large Copper & Coal Mines, Power Station, Sand & Gravel Quarry, Iron Ore Export Port.